Monday, January 30, 2017

The Great Opportunity which Rajput lost in 1303 A.D.

# War Elephant bias relief wall panel from Chittorgarth #
The actual happenings and occurrence of those crucial moment in history were far unlike and divergent than what court poet and official historians made us to believe . The one who use to wrote mythical and hearsay account sitting under the protected wall of forts. Their official version were not only reviewed but thoroughly checked by authorities whether their narratives are favorably conformed with the character , personalities and achievements of one from whom they are getting tutelage . This thing was much common in medieval histrionic . The self-eulogizing was the common style of narratives wrote by those medieval court historians which was altogether no connection what their character hero’s actually experienced in his real ground campaigns.With the resource available in those time it was even impossible to capture the scene by scene occurrence and converting it into exact written account. If the classical age history have the deficiency of its own then medieval age history has its  own complexities and suffers from challenge to frame them in digital century of documented proof and hard clinching evidence to determine ‘actual truth’. We can only analyze the history with more broader studies of sources rather than allowing our self getting psychologically trap in false narrative of ‘victimhood’ or ‘proudhood’ or ‘wining side’ or ‘loosing side’ mentality.
Being located at strategic position in upper center around Delhi the North western and Rajputana region always a posed troublesome check and threat in the mobility of army and contingencies of kingdoms situated  near Indraprastha and upper Doab region of Delhi.That’s why entering and conquering ‘India’ was one game but to keep on holding it was altogether a different task and presented insurmountable challenge. Without the containment and control of those region ruling from north Delhi and upper Doab region was virtually impossible where constant threat of Rajputana raids in upper Doab area (which those court pampered historians never told ) used to always loom over at center(If one analyse Rajput medieval sources). Alliance and truce were only option available to Delhi Sultans or any one who ever situated and ruling from upper Doab region.Those who revoked it suffered and not able to rule for long. Notwithstanding whatever the court poet and historian ‘Amir Khusro’ over exaggerated claim but most of the expedition turned into inconclusive truce for Khilji Sultanate.In the quagmire of their mutual hostilities and multi fronts the Rajputs were also cynical against ‘mlecchas’ intention.After making inconclusive  and informal truce with Ranthambor Kingdom of Rajputana in 1296 A.D . Alauddin laid a siege in 1303 A.D. the Rajputana principality of Mewar but at the same time and year he faced a worst situation in his life when he was still laying siege the Chagtai Mongol under leadership of their chieftain Targhi,its leader with an army of 12000 with concerted effort attacked Delhi. The Mongols took a long time to rally from previous setback they suffered from Khalji Sultanate. The movements of probably the 4th invasion of the Mongols were so quick that the governors were not able to send their contingents to Delhi. Ala-ud-Din was forced to take shelter in the fort of Siri which was besieged by the Mongols for two months. During this interval, the Mongols plundered not only the surrounding territory but also Delhi itself. Minor skirmishes were fought on two or three occasions but neither party was able to gain any decisive advantage.
The patience of Targhi, who had come prepared only for a victory, was exhausted and he retired after a stay of a couple of months as he found the lines of Ala-ud-Din entrenchment impenetrable. The retreat of the Mongols seemed to be miraculous. To quote Barani, a medieval court historian. “This occasion, on which the army of Islam had received no injury from the Mongol force, and the city of Delhi had escaped unharmed, appeared one of the miracles of the age to all intelligent persons; for the Mongols had arrived in great force early in the season and had blockaded the roads against the entry of reinforcements or supplies, and the royal army was suffering under the want of proper equipment, while they (the Mongols) were in the most flourishing and hearty condition."
Although Barani attributes the retreat of the Mongols to the supplications of the poor and the prayers of Shaikh Nizamuddin Auliya, yet the real reason of the Mongol retreat lies in something else. According to modern historian on medieval India Dr. K. S. Lai, it lies in the prompt action of Ala-ud-Din who would not yield to the enemy on any ground whatsoever and who undertook such defensive measures as even to baffle the Mongol veteran. It also lies in the fact that on account of their pre-occupation in Central Asia, the Mongols could never permit themselves to stay in Hindustan for long.
But the most important strategic question here is what the Rajputs were doing in that crucial moment. Why they never seized the golden opportunity in 1303 A.D. coinciding their counter assault along with mongol attack on Alaudin Khilji when he was hiding in fort of Siri. Perhaps they were too naive or stupid to understand the strategic importance of their own security position or too confident and contained regarding their fort impenetrability,or they were suspicious that in case of any adventurism they too can be attacked from other Rajputana adversaries in the quagmire of permanent conflict or perhaps their own assessment of regarding friend or foe was quite different from our perception and wishful thinking but in any case it was the great strategic opportunity to vanquish Turks from scene of history that Rajput of Mewar lost
Above: # War Elephant bias relief wall panel from Chittorgarth #

Dhananjay Srivastava (Lawyer-Lucknow High Court-Blog-Writer)

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Real reason why ABORTION is still a taboo in west

*This short article was originally penned with heading 'No fault of Ireland' as an analysis on this particular unfortunate instance when a Karnataka born women from India  on her vacation in Ireland developed pregnancy related complication and then she eventually died but it is perfectly fitted with this heading too as it reflects a more broader spectrum of crisis in west.The crisis which western intellectual and elite feels shame to admit.  

'No fault of Ireland' 

Local Protestors advocating for abortion in Ireland for 'Savita hallapanavar' who unfortunately became a sort of 'poster girl' in their internal conflict.

Its happened quite bad with Savita Hallapanavar a Karnatak state born girl  from India but the Indians who were passionately shouted against the abortion laws of Ireland fails to acknowledge two hidden factor in this episode thus allowed themselves to be a foolish participant in ongoing war happening within Western society . Ireland is a part of western civilization. Any law of a land is a social experience of society as a whole and just like in India we strongly feels that deadly weapons should be beyond the reach of common people- it helps curbs crime and violence we drafted tough law dealing with arms control similarly we have tough patent laws because we have seen how the science and technology have given the cutting edge to various civilization and countries. Western society is a sex starved society. More than ninety percent of the population born through invalid means without any proper system of marriages, girls and women roam nakedly in front of their brothers and father wearing bras and panty on swimming beaches, and their men pretending to be feeling well ok easy and cool about it and consider it as a sign of modernity . We saw what happened to all those British soldier women who went to wage battle in Iraq.Instead of fighting a war side by side along with the shoulder of their men counterpart they came back shamelessly becoming unmarried pregnant mother.

For consult view this link: [] & []

Getting pregnant through free sex and pleasure and then aborting is now a habitual way of living in a western society and people unable to stop this decadent phenomena now seems to be helplessly supporting it with logic of ‘free values’-rational-openness and ‘individual right’ which normally these society do .“Deep Catholicism” very well understand that if abortion will be allowed in a country dealing with problem of low fertility and high impotency then there will be a risk of mass exodus of people flocking in abortion centers willing to pay fees to doctors for their invalid and immoral adventurism .
Now here is vigorous looking woman came on a honeymoon from a normal and healthy culture, grown up with strong family values legally married with her husband unfortunately develops complication during a pregnancy desiring abortion get stuck in a convoluted situation between a vigilant people termed as “deeply catholic” who understands the menace of their society and sex starved population for whom any relaxation in law would open door for heaven of ‘easy sex –quick abortion’ ,excited doctors in support for whom any relaxation in law will open the golden gate of charging exorbitant fees from abortion seeking customers and Anglo media an old enemy of Indian family system managed by white collar mafia and a supporters who desires to replace family values with pornographic values, venomously hates and want to destroy the strong family and cultural values of Indian social system often terming it backward were fueling fire and also trying to build opinion through articles in some Anglo Indian media funded by western intelligentsia trying to make  as it is "our" problem too  and insidiously using this opportunity along with ‘sex starved revolutionist’ made that unfortunate young woman who was unluckily at wrong place at wrong time as some kind of poster girl ‘fighting’ against the ‘draconian’ and ‘repressive’ law of country.
Europe abortion map.
The map though show most of the Europe with "permitted on request" but abortion is virtually impossible in west.

In England, Wales and Scotland under the 1967 Abortion Act you must obtain agreement to your abortion by two doctors and they must agree that:

(1) You must be less than 24 weeks pregnant

(2) Your pregnancy will cause stress and upset your mental health and the mental and physical health of any children you may already have, more so than if you were end the pregnancy.

(3) Your life would be at risk if you were to continue with your pregnancy.

(4) The baby is at significant risk of having physical or mental disabilities.

Until relatively recently Abortion was not legal in the UK.  However, to reduce the number of back street abortion clinics the government introduced the Abortion Act 1967. 

The Abortion Act was drafted in 1967 with the aim of reducing the risks to women of unsafe abortion practices at disreputable clinics.Easy said and done . The complicated pregnancy is very much a complicated subject in West with 'little bit of pleasure seeking' vs anti abortion social groups always at loggerheads against each other. The west analyst and elite though try to conceal the real reason behind such conflict with easy arguments like "west is not only Europe,we have diverse law for diverse countries" or "christian patriarchy". This can be compared with very much our own sex determination ban.Europe need a serious self scrutiny instead of trying to impress an outside  world with its superfluous "liberal values" because nobody is really impress.