Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Re-Ordering Asia

THE 21’st century is going to witness a strange relationship between ASIA and WEST with past prejudices, self centered mutual contempt , geo- strategic alliances , fear , friendship and a bygone history along with future possibilities will act as a strong driving force for determining present developments between these two great civilization .Since an era when Acheminian Persia intimidating the puny cattle herders of Europa to Alexander the great overtaking Persia , from indigenous tribe of Asia storming and destroying the mighty Roman empire to Jesus Christ an ‘Asian’ man becoming the God of Europe or Islamic Arabian conquering Spain or from Christendom’s crusade assaulting West Asia to Ottoman Turks taking over Constanipole with finally a Victorian Europe becoming the colonial masters of world and the magic of capitalism generation never seen before, the world taken a full whole round waiting for the fresh chapters to be written in new global age .Foreign policies just like any other policies are driven by two needs : (a) Immediate & (b) Long term .For long term there are some strong,static, fundamental realism which India should strongly keep in regard whatever plan she adopts for the furtherance of international politics.

(1) India cannot detach herself with Asia how much she is diplomaticaly getting closure with the West.Our policy of making the balance between geography and ideology should not go at such level damaging our long term interests.

(2) Though Asia as a continent is traditionaly at advantaged position for covering 70% of earth’s geography,it is equally vunreble due to its far stretched ethnic & ideological diversities.

(3) West Anglo Saxons though pretend that they consider Asia and ‘downtrodden’ Africa with same eyes but they are equally and fearfully aware,feel insecure with Asia’s past and inconvienient with its developing efficiencies and specially ‘big’ nations of Asia will be always regarded as contender of power and prestige whatever ideology these countries follow suiting to West or not.

Though West is uniting itself under the banner of E.U & N.A.T.O but it wants different kind of systematic arrangements for Asia where different powers,civilisations and Political States keep on balancing each other viciously interlocked in a inconvienient relationship towards each other and from here the whole problem starts.India living in such a volatile atmosphere will badily jeopardise her power and position. History shows big states and empires don’t do mistakes and disasters.Empires are clever, smart, their working is not based on fancies and whims of mob idealism but work on true principles of strategic realism – constantly trying to mould possibilities,political ‘profits’ in its favour .Ego of individual+Resource control+Long Term Political Advantage are three overlapped reasons and need due to which any war on this globe is fought, well in the era of ‘United Nation Conventions & Regulations’the first two reasons are not possible now for any nation initiating warfare adventure but in a process Iraq was quiet smartly invaded by America for third reason to creat a powerful Islamic Shia block in the Islamic world dominated uptill by Sunni sect of Islam and reasons for invasion cleverly manupulated by West media by sponsoring various after various giving twisted reasons that invasion was done to find W.M.D or capturing oil fields or to finish evil empire of Saddam and then finally invasion proclaimed as a great disaster!! to misguide the world from knowing the actual cause of unprovoked adventure .The problem is grave because West is going to sort this kind of arrangement for this part of ASIA too and will try to creat the long bridge of ‘balancers’with India balancing China and Pakistan balancing India.Well China and India are mature nation , they will only allow a degree of mutual hostility which will not be self-destructive for themselves but this can’t be said about Pakistan which as a rogue nation ,long ago culturally converted whose ethinicaly scattered people have only history of being hired as feudal mercinaries and free lance fighters fulfilling the assingments of past Indian kings and empires,it today govern itself on the ‘Murawa’ tradition of Arabian tribal politics much handicaped to understand the sophisticacy of 21st century world politics.Pakistan is politicaly failing not due to lack of democracy but due to lack of ‘history’.

For West,Tibet and Kashmir is still the unresolved issues which must be solved even at the cost of territorial integrity of these two big powerful countries but somehow the internal dissents in Pakistan is not at all the issue and somehow it must be kept stable, united and peacful at any cost so in future it could be willfuly used as handy trumpcard to control India’s unboundable rising power and presitge, infact the way in which U.S is silently fuelling Pakistan with modern military equipment capable of holding large scale warfare now truly exposing the true intention of U.S which looks to be more brutal and dangerous than criminal determination of ‘Jehadis’ against India.Now we can decisively conclude that Pakistans Kargil misadventure against India and occasional unprovoked firing at borders somewhere points towards the backing of suspicious intigation of Britannia and America or Europe & America with a very covered hand & with a very high degree of scoundrelism provided Pakistan with various nuclear arsenals risking the entire security of subcontinent preparing small countries as an islands for counter launchpad against big country like India on which the stability of whole Asia depends,so what’s the solution of such dirty politics?- yes the solution is to play more dirty politics i.e to bring out and work for the worst fear of West i.e ‘UNITY OF ASIA’ofcourse not in a impossible political sense but in a sense of ‘conscience of common interests’and its only Indian politicians and administration who can creat such conscience as other nation of Asia are incapable or intellectually inefficient to do this .India must try to initiate and catalyse a new table conference for Asia on its soil where only those countries of Asia should be the member which technicaly at one or other point of their history were the creators or cradle of various civilizations,religion and culture these nation can be-: (1) Saudi Arabia-[Babylonian hub& sunni sect of islam] (2) Iran-[Persianate influence&shia sect of islam] (3) Israel-[land of jews] (4) Japan-[Shinto Buddhism] (5) China-[Confucist] (6) Russia-[Orthodox Christian] (7) India-[Hindus] (8) Thailand-[another brand of Buddhism] (9) One country of rest of ASEAN each time on rotationary basis (10) One country of Central Asia each time on rotationary basis .

Even with one percent of common understanding through such meet India could achieve many things for herself such as-:
(1) It will put a severe check on the tendency of America and Europe of putting the nose in every small skirmishes in Asia and becoming the broker of peace in every small conflict.
(2) It will also prove a big blow to Pakistan’s continous attempt of projecting itself as a champion representative of Sunni Muslim world. With such forced isolation from this big league Pakistan indirectly will be shown its actual place in global world.
(3) Such common meet can also discuss the legitimacy and actual intentions behind things like Kyoto protocals which looks more like the frivilious agenda aired for haulting Asians industrial progress , it is something to do more with West inconvienience regarding rapid Asian modernization rather than climatic change or degradations which was not at all the issue when Western civilization was modernizing itself.
(4) Such common conference will also be very much fruitful for India solving its inconvienient relationship with China which is there due to unsettled border confusion.China could be decisively convinced regarding the futility of encircling India and needless assertion which will only result in regional tensions and as result there will be bandwagoning of every Asian country tending to invite non Asian parties to meddle in its affair, same as such for Saudi Arabia too which could also be convinced for diverting its wahabism away from Asian countries as it is causing unstability to whole continent and indirectly to them also.
(5) Through such common conference India can also initiate some kind of joint Asian forces comprising that of India’s, Iran,Russia,Japan or even China looking after the security of Afghanistan if in future U.S vacate that region in uncertainity which now seems to be more possiblity as U.S seems want to hand over indirectly a more strong hand and want to provide much stronger muscle to Pakistan to impose influence in that region .
(6) Such common meet can also look for some kind of re-negotiation in the very fundamentals of international laws related with intellectual property rights and copyright issues.The new age technology,whoever invent or even innovate it should have full right to reap profits from its trade and mutual sharing without any necessity of asking license from ‘self proclaimed hereditary holder’ of those technologies.
(7) Such common meet will also proved to be prompt in questioning the logic behind establishment of every united nation offices,agencies and headquarters solely in European states and America.
(8) Such common meet can reach and compel to various U.N. base organisations to also include the agencies and machineries of Asian countries for any global survey or research conducted in any part of the globe rather than mere using some Asian personality as a fake intellectual pawn sitting as a pseudo- head in any survey or research conducted solely by European syndicates under the garb and tag of ‘U.N agencies and institutions’.
(9) Such common meet can also compel Vatican City, a christian city state to re-define its political status and competency of being a distinctive political member in united nation organisation .The door should be also open for other religious city state heads too.

This not at all to suggest that India should start despising West or loving Asian countries but she must be quick to understand the need of the time and science and should act according to that.In 21st century India must govern herself according to what the ancient Maurayan’s,Gupta’s or Mughal’s wished for her but not according to what today’s ‘basterdize coconuts’ think.The nation of India must decide what kind of power it want to be? mere balancer degrading herself and other around or the country writing the very ‘definition of globalization’.

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