Saturday, November 5, 2016

INDIA:The Rise Of Two Centre Of Power

Solemnly Resolved for-Socialist,Secular,Democratic,Modern,Intellectual,Confident,Rational,Self Reliant,Proud,Powerful, Cultural Republic..........


                                                   The Rise Of Two Centre Of Power

Recently I got an opportunity for a trip to China mains land and nearby republics, conducted by one N.G.O with a large delegation of people hailing from different states and varying professions and along with us was ‘former’ foreign secretary of India who was also there in that amazing trip. While we were concluding our trip heading towards airport on a snake like twisted road lapped all over the mountainous region of Hong Kong we were asked to share our experiences and conclusions, though my turn never came as by then we reached to our destination but looking outside the glass panes of tourist bus towards the vast hilly tract and skyscrapers of the city I made my own philosophical summary when other people were sharing their thoughts in a Bus.
When the Congress really started to become the ‘grand old party’, the politics in India developed in a one common singular pattern .First there were the formation of various Mega-associations formed on varied ideologies with intense focused motive of uplifting a nation
.For some the answer lied in aggressive nationalism and for some the answer for establishing an idealist and perfect society lied in erasing the fossils-leftovers of colonial and ‘imperialist’ forces etc. Propaganda and social charities were the major tools of their expansion and to make base in a psyche and consciousness of people. But to bring the change which they want for the nation the need of capturing political seats in democratic politics was also felt by them which was then under full nurturing of visionary like Jawaharlal Nehru .Among their various wings which were working at multi- levels the political wings were also formed in these associations which were just like other operative wings mere offshoot of their mother organization .In post 90’s when Indian politics got matured because of the people’s quest for searching of the credible alternative, by then the congress party remained a ‘party’ while these offshoot wings became the mammoth size institutions and ‘sansthaas’ prepared to take over political command in their hand. This was a new invention made in the scenario of natural evolution in Indian politics and also the system providing immense stability because today even during their bad time these parties are looking in much better shape in compare what Congress party though very stronger now used to look in its bad time which faced the question of its very survival!! The system under which the parties like B.J.P and C.P.M works provides them full proof protection against mad ambition of party’s regional satraps, blackmailing tactics of individual -discipline breaker easily shown the door-even the head of the party is not considered above than ideology. This is only possible because of existence of dual layered loyalty, first for the party and second the ultimate super loyalty for the very organization under which they operate therefore even if circle of first loyalty get breached the super loyalty remains intact that’s why the Uma bharthi or Arun shourie can go against B.J.P but can’t dare against R.S.S, if do - they could become irrelevant like Kalyan singh with no future or carrier , even if their regional chief ministers removed from a post and get a call from ‘supreme’ headquarters to come back for collecting a garbage in a dust bin they can’t go against it, they have to do it like any ‘karyakarta’ .Though they have their differences and clashing ambitions but the super loyalty make them work and contain them as a one cohesive unit in which it is impossible to divert and putting the unity of party at risk. This is exactly opposite to the situation of Congress, being mere a ‘political party’ it is bogged down with worst kind of obstruction and nuisance created by their regional satraps who first raise their own political carrier with the help of Congress name but later regard bargaining, blackmailing and extortion as their moral right.It seems the situation later turns vice versa and fills them an invalid feeling of self importance as if they were someone who were responsible for party’s growth and strongholds in their region .
Bringing my presence back to the tour bus most of the views of the fellow travelers were usual emotionally charged-grass is greener on other side kind of argument and its due to the immense-irresistible seduction which new urban, ‘capitalist’ China offers to its new visitors i.e. “Chinese are disciplined, clean, hardworking people and for our own development we must become like them!! Or we should have dictatorship, or limited dictatorship for some years!! Or kill our politicians!!!” etc were some usual response .These things whether we should really LEARN or not!! But what actually China and America or Russia offers to us is the solution that how the political certainty is a supreme answer for continuous modernism and development of a nation and it is this answer we have to trace in our own system of parliamentary democracy.
What India need is the formation of strong political entity at centre free from all hurdle which will be in a position to stimulate any prompt and firm action. The future of India depends on the future of B.J.P and Congress and their struggle to cement themselves and success in engulfing an entire nation into its manifold of influence or to get limiticize and outflanked by the dangerous hordes of overambitious individual, corrupt regional satraps and rogues sabotaging the entire political network which will be another historical tragedy if this happens. If the ‘mushroom parties’ and regional power brokers get wiped out from scene , B.J.P and Congress holds superintendence over 90% of country’s political landscape and mere10% is left for ‘symbolical’ possibility for any third alternative it will be an ideal situation for India and will also good for its healthy future but before assigning such divine burden on itself both these parties need a revolutionary overhauling of inner self, both must reach to some ground of reconciliation or if possible must join hand behind the scene. Wherever of these two any one is weaker and other is stronger it should be supported by one and vice versa, both need strong culture of inner democracy where top level leader ship must get elected from voting involving whole party system from workers to top level leadership as it will put severe check over the corrupt tendencies of overambitious individuals as everyone will aware with their actual status and importance in their party. BJP has to keep its aggressive hindutva tone down but must ensure that its meaning could be properly linked with the technological modernization and materialistic progress of India. Though for now the congress as a single largest party administering a major global power applying smart and impressive tactics to deal with trouble makers at home and internationally but such network should be permanently established more so in a democracy like India where there is so much political uncertainty always get arise after 5 yrs. It need a same evolution too like B.J.P but in a ‘reverse gear’ i.e., it must itself seminate an association involve in social charities and inducing propaganda in support of Congress expansion and must based itself on some ideology promoting something like ‘Gandhi socialism intermixed with liberal capitalism’ to capture the heart and mind of various class and must also infiltrate into field of establishing parallel trade unions and associations in various corporate houses related with industries and agriculture at regional and sub-regional level to diffuse the monopoly of thugs playing with livelihood of million of people
Both these party must understand that the grand vision which Nehru had for India is only half realized the first challenge was to create a democratic awareness among the mass which after 64 yrs is well achieved and second task is to establish the two centre of power calling shots and guiding the political destiny of India which still needed to be done

DHANANJAY SRIVASTAVA- Independent Blogger, Writer, Lawyer, Legal Practitioner in Lucknow .

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